What Bernie Sanders Gave to America Today


Today, my hero, Bernie Sanders, endorsed Hillary Clinton, a woman that I truly believe is sociopathic, for the office of the President of the United States and then immediately the sun hid behind a cloud and it began to rain.

I was grateful for the rain.

It’s been pretty humid here for the last several days and I was in need of the empathy.

I fought back tears as I left the gym.

I am not afraid to cry.

I just prefer to do it while I am writing.

I went home and grabbed my laptop.

I knew all this fire stinging my eyes was way too complex to be worked out with a box of tissues or a ton of free weights.

I made a point to stay off social media.

I had no time for haters, turncoats or conspiracy theorists.

I drove to the coffee shop and put in my ear buds.

Behind my glasses, I watched people moving here and there, seemingly clueless to the great turmoil taking place in their country.

I did not envy them.

I am awake now.

And I will never sleep again.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is the greatest politician of my lifetime.

He is the greatest statesman of my lifetime.

He is the greatest human being I have ever had the privilege of witnessing.

He is the voice of my generation and long after he ceases to speak, his words will echo throughout the hearts and minds of millions.

Bernie Sanders is an activist.

He stood up for me before I even knew his name…before I was even born.

Bernie Sanders inspired tens of millions of people to get outside of their comfort zones and shove their middle fingers in the face of evil.

Bernie Sanders was “dangerous”.

Bernie Sanders rattled cages.

Bernie Sanders raged against the machine!!

Bernie Sanders taught us all how this thing was supposed to be done.

Bernie Sanders is a prophet and a Buddha.

He continued to speak peace when all those around him declared war.

He woke up an entire generation and inspired tens of thousands to perform a hostile takeover of their government.

Bernie Sanders is a true revolutionary.

So why the hell did he endorse Hillary Clinton?


Do not tell me that Bernie Sanders is just another bought and paid for politician.

To even utter such nonsense would show complete and all-encompassing ignorance.

This man has fought for what is right when literally no one was fighting by his side.

This man went toe to toe with Alan Greenspan for eight and a half hours.

This man spoke the truth why corrupt politicians laughed at him and left the room in blatant shows of disrespect.

Bernie Sanders was the tree, falling again and again in the D.C. forest of corruption.

Bernie Sanders was the one hand clapping against the fascist regime, when you and I were still watching CNN and calling it news.

Bernie Sanders is The Truth.

So don’t even think about telling me that Bernie Sanders sold out, as if suddenly, after 40 years of trying, the powers that be, finally found some secret treasure that Senator Sanders could not resist.

And do not waste my time with your foolish conspiracy theories about how Hillary Clinton threatened him in some way.

They have been threatening Bernie Sanders for decades.

Bernie Sanders does not succumb to threats.

Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton because he cares more about us than he does about selfish glory.

Bernie Sanders changed the world again today and if you weren’t watching closely, you may have missed it.

Bernie Sanders just sent millions of poor kids to college.

Bernie Sanders just saved millions of lives.


As part of Bernie Sanders’ agreement to endorse Hillary Clinton, Clinton had to agree to support free public universities for low income families.

This is not something that she wanted.

So why will she keep up her end of the bargain?

Because she is driven by ego.

She wants to be recognized as a good person and a good president.

I know she lies and breaks promises and Bernie knows this too.

But she won’t break this one, because Sanders handed her the carrot, but saved the stick for us.

Today marks a reset button for Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders gave her a chance to step up and do the right thing and if she doesn’t, then she will find that there are tens of millions of sticks all over this country that will cut through the air simultaneously and make her presidency a complete debacle.

I am referring to the tens of millions of activists who will watch Hillary Clinton’s every move from this day forward and make her life difficult every time she breaks a promise to the American people.

I am referring to the tens of thousands of activists who are running for public office, who will take over our House and Senate and infect change from the inside.

I am referring to you.

You have a stick and I encourage you to use it.

Because of Sanders’ sacrifice today, millions of American children will have a way to escape extreme poverty and follow their dreams.

Because of Sanders’ sacrifice today, there is now light penetrating the darkness in the places that our government forgot to represent.

I, like you, wanted Bernie to win the Presidency and there is little doubt that he could have done so through an Independent run, but if he had won, he would have met with extreme opposition from the establishment that owns every branch of our government.

Sanders would have toiled in office, waiting for new elections, so that activists could take over the seats required to pass the bills that the establishment would strike down.

So Sanders did what any wise old warrior would do.

He conceded the battle, so that we might win the war.

And Clinton will get the college bill passed through, whereas Sanders would not have been able to.

She has the contacts in the House and Senate to make it happen.

It will become the cornerstone of her presidency.

She will act like she thought of it and the uninformed will talk about what a hero she is and she will stand on the stage and wave and smile and some impoverished child somewhere will show their report card to their mother and their mother will smile and say..

“Thanks to Hillary, you will be able to become a doctor if you keep this up.”

And those millions of educated young people will go out and change the world for the better.

So just in case you missed it..

That’s what Bernie Sanders gave to America today.

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658 thoughts on “What Bernie Sanders Gave to America Today

  1. This conclusion seems to be idealistic compensation for this terrible disappointment. We have no reason to trust Hillary Clinton to follow through with her agreements with Bernie. There are a million excuses she could make as to why it became impossible as she pays her debts to her corporate donors and ignores the progressive agenda (which is not hers!). I think it would have been more courageous and revolutionary of Bernie to run in the Green Party, honoring the huge support he got from donors and volunteers who support a progressive agenda – and not this lame and corrupt agenda of Hillary Clinton. I don’t believe, as you don’t, that Bernie Sander’s sold out. He doesn’t have that in him. But I do believe he caved in to pressure and Trump-fear, instead of sustaining the revolution creatively. And that is bitterly disappointing. Let us feel the pain of the loss of this great leader and the momentum of this desperately needed movement.


  2. This is a well written article. Your loss is our gain. I like Hillary and Bernie so this worked out just great. They will have each other to lean on and will hopefully pull enough Democrats in with them that their every move will not be blocked. I think the Republicans planted seeds of doubt about Hillary. Sure, she has made mistakes, as does anyone who tries to get things done, but I believe she is a good, respectful person who will work her heart out for us and together, she and Bernie can change the world.


  3. I think you are exactly right. I also think he was worried that millions of us, all absolutely furious that the election was stolen, would show up in Philly and some of us would get hurt. He remembers the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago (Eugene McCarthy, who was a super candidate popular with young voters, lost and Hubert Humphrey, a terrible choice, was nominated. ) It got violent and students were beaten and tear gassed.
    Today I was in that auditorium too. Hillary got to the mike and proceeded to endorse Bernie’s entire platform, anti-TPP and all. The most difficult moment was when she went on about how every American should be able to vote, as if all the voter suppression had not taken place. I was livid.
    Bernie has trained us well and now it is up to us: WE are the enforcers. We are awake and on notice and should raise hell when promises are broken. Thanks for leading us this far, Bernie, we’ll take it from here, with gratitude.


  4. I will love all that Bernie did forever but now is not the time to stop, the time is now ripe for the taking, we can continue the fire the Bernie started by throwing our support behind Jill Stein.


  5. Doesn’t matter to me that Bernie endorsed Clinton. “I will not vote for that woman.” She is super dangerous. Trump can be handled, she cannot. She is the system, she is The Man.


  6. Bernie woke us up,Jill Stein will continue his / our fight .Voting for Jill,Hillary will toss her promises of good in the trash the day she’s elected.


  7. Well said.
    Bernie will go down in history as one of the most important figures of our time. He will never be an “also ran” as long as all of us who were transformed by his message continue to stay involved and chip away at golden tower that has held sway over not only our own country, but societies world wide.
    All of those “millennials” who have supported him aren’t going away.
    This is only the beginning.
    Thank you Bernie Sanders for changing our world for the better.


  8. Thank you for putting it plainly for all the dumbasses, quitters and crybabies. Unless a person has been in the same situation of building a base of rag tag renegades into a force who truly challenges the system, the they may not understand. A leader owes it to his supporters to get the most possible in exchange for their hard work. Been there, done that, will do it again tomorrow morning if I’m still kicking!
    Again, Thank You!


  9. I would love to believe that Bernie fell on his sword today, and sacrificed his fifty year legacy of fighting for social justice, and his integrity in a selfless act to get what he could in the way of concessions from Hillary rather that fight her to the end and risk getting nothing if he lost the nomination in a contested convention, or the election in a run as a third party candidate. However I cannot swallow this argument.
    If this was Bernie’s intention, he could have and should have come to us, his loyal supporters and expressed his intentions and made his argument that this was the best and only way to go, to get half a loaf for sure rather than risk it all by continuing to oppose Hillary. He might, if his argument was cogent enough have convinced us to follow his lead, but he did not.
    Getting concessions in the Democratic platform is no guarantee that there will be follow through by Hillary once she’s elected.
    Hillary is such a soldout liar and psychopath that I wouldn’t believe anything she promised, not even if she signed a written contract in her own blood. She hasn’t an ethical bone in her body. She will go with whatever is expedient to do in the moment. A deal with Hillary is about as reliable as Chamberlain’s Munich agreement with Hitler was in the run up to WWII about which Churchill said, Chamberlain had a choice between war and dishonor, he chose dishonor and now he will get war. And Churchill was right.
    I suspect that Bernie sold out because he bought into the lesser of two evils heresy that he would split the Democratic vote, and usher in a Trump presidency and fascism in America.
    And I think that this was a very foolish thing to do. If Bernie had taken his case to the convention he would have had a million of us or so there to take his back, and that would have to have been covered by the main stream media and have finally gotten Bernie’s message out on the airwaves and gathered a swelling wave of support for him. He might well have won a contested convention like FDR did. And even if he lost the convention, he would have taken a huge chunk of the Democratic vote with him in a third party run, not to mention that all of us would be selling our blood if necessary to build him a huuge war chest to buy mass media time. And I feel very confident that we would have built such a tidal wave of support for Bernie by this Fall that it would not only have carried Bernie into the White House, but also washed the Republicans lock, stock and barrel out of Congress and far out to sea where the party of evil, racism, greed, stupidity, racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, guns, violence, paranoia, delusional religiosity, unbridled capitalism and psychopathy would have ignominiously sunk out of sight from the weight of its hatred and disappeared forever as a force on the political scene.
    Instead we now have soldout, pathologically lying, totally untrustworthy, psychopathic Hillary running without the support of the liberal half of the party, as well as many independent voters, none of whom will now follow Bernie into her camp running against that half baked, half witted, vulgar misogynist and xenophobic fascist Trump. And Trump will likely beat her whereas he wouldn’t have stood a chance against Bernie.
    I think that Bernie like Chamberlain had a choice between war and dishonor, and he chose dishonor, and now we will get war.


  10. Beautifully written.. it almost feels like I’ve been at Bernie’s side this whole time screaming at the establishment to listen; screaming at Hillary supporters to open their eyes and minds; screaming at the poor, the elderly, immigrants, minorities and all those who are disenfranchised by our government to “see the light” and realize that Sanders’ policies will help them up out of poverty and hopelessness by providing a fair minimum wage, a college education, basic healthcare, and many other stepping stones toward a real future; screaming at the news media that as a Sanders supporter, I am not some dumb hippie who is jumping on a trend bandwagon.. I have a graduate degree, I do my research, I have an open mind, and I understand the impact of this decision for not only the present but also future generations. But Bernie has now stepped aside so that I, so that we, can step in. As the author of this piece wrote, it is up to us to pick up the baton and win this race. I lost my voice from all the screaming and this article served as an accurate and wonderful transition while I pick up my baton and start walking a little faster. Thank you for speaking for me when I couldn’t. May god bless Sanders, and may god bless America.


  11. He’s still running. He had to play by the rules otherwise they would take his democratic credentials away and he would not be able to make it to the DNC in Philly. We’ll see what happens there and then we’ll talk because if he drops out that day we, the berners, will go green with @DrJillStein


  12. This is literally the most mind-numbing thing I’ve read today. Having a paper doesn’t mean one is educated, just indoctrinated and in debt. Endorsing Clinton is not a surprise, it was the next logical step to manipulate you into voting for the most crooked person out of a bunch of crooks. And, you fell for it. Your BS, BA, B whatever will more be worth what a high school diploma is more, and we’ll be in another war, and we’ll be in more national debt.

    Wow. Just….wow. Really drank the whole pitcher of Kool-aid.


  13. You had me right up until free college. And how she will make it her top priority. She is a lier. Although great, it is not the most important thing. The two most important things we lost. TPP and fracking that sleep in the same bed. After a six year drought in Syria the civil war started and continues. We will start selling natural gas. Natural gas is not atransitional fuel. It is the new coal. They are building facilities as we speak. Climate change is real and the affects are literally around the corner. With that loss, all of the other “wins” are moot.

    Bernie Sanders is the greatest human I’ve ever witnessed and the only one to call for a complete ban on fracking.


  14. Thank you for sharing your heart. Like you, my heart is broken, but I too realize the gift Bernie gave to all of us. He started the fire and passed the torch.


  15. Brought tears to my eyes. Bernie has inspired me beyond relief in this presidential campaign. I will stand on his side for as long as I can. This endorsement was not my most ideal wish, but he his a smart man for doing so and the rest of his “die hard” followers should understand and continue to follow along this revolution.


  16. Very touching!
    Thank you so much for feeling the Bernie Love and respect this deep! This man is truly remarkable 🙂

    I’m truly hoping for a miracle and is stil not impossible to see Bernie in the White House!! THE POWER OF POSITIVITY! 🙂
    Life is so good when we have some balance and good people standing for the greater good of all! 🙂


  17. Thank you. Thank you for writing the feelings I would never be able to articulate. We truly are the revolution. The future is ours. We will forever remember our fight and belief in Bernie.



    And Why I am Now Voting For Jill Stein–Even If It Means Donald Trump Wins. For Defeating “Trumpism” is More Important Than Defeating Donald Trump

    To all of us, it should be more than plain by now–especially today after Bernie’s groveling capitulation–that the way American politics now works, next year, when the leading Republican is a serial killer, the Democrats will be telling us oh, but their mere child-murderer is better than the GOP’s “evil alternative”

    And we’ve got to defeat the serial killer–by endorsing and electing the child murder!*

    Elites have control of both major parties–and they are both just dancing further and further to the control of the rich, the inhumane, and the powerful. They are blithly ignoring increasing global destabilization, increasing greenhouse gas production, and increasing destruction of the global standards of decent lives for any of our humanity–giving them, over and over, mere “lip service.” and mere empty pointing to “we’re making progress”

    As NONE is made,

    Now here in America, as a result–we now, fully, have one political party:


    Bernie made a monumental mistake today. But no, unlike him, I am not going to be afraid of Donald Trump. Or cave into that fear. More so, I am just even more fully alarmed by the people (now including Bernie) who claim that “thinking” leads them to conclude that Hillary Clinton, instead, would be a better President at this time.

    For I simply no longer believe Trump in the White House would be worse than Hillary. All her Supreme Court nominees are likely to face successful impeachment drives, and riots by fanatics, for their being “pro-choice.” She herself will be the most unpopular President since Nixon, and also likely impeached. She is hardly likely to be the President who will give us the winning and confident support to pro-choice, pro-women’s rights, pro-gay rights or African American or immigrant empowerment positions that they deserve.

    Or anything “progressive”–that she might try to get through Congress.

    Further, she will likely propose privatizing Social Security; privatizing more public schools–and further destroy the near-dead balance in our culture between the public service sector the for-profit motive. She will support the TPP; she will likely set us up for more Middle East war, and probably war with Russia. She will continue to support big oil–and things like coal and fracking. Not to mention Wall Street corruption. She will do nothing to reign in the CIA–or NSA spying on everyone on this planet.

    The quality of life of most people in this country will continue to decline under Hillary– and it will be one scandal after another

    At least with a Republican in the White House, the Democrats in Congress would be a little more likely to stand united for more progressive issues: like stopping another war; themselves impeaching any Republican’s anti-gay and anti-choice Supreme Court nominees–and protecting what’s left of a social contract in America.

    Democrats will still have the clarifying opportunity to have a common and uniting target to oppose in Trump–or any Rethuglican that will replace him–and just be bending over backwards more so to stay united and progressive. While with Hillary as President, (just like all during this primary) Democrats in Congress will be seeing instead, just how ,much graft in selling out to big business that they, themselves, with all that power–can get away with.

    The vote now before us is simply not about who anybody “likes”–right now, it is about what is best to get this country moving off it’s dangerous illusions that lesser evil after lesser evil will not, eventually, just make us all evil.

    Right now– both parties are being pushed to the right by fascist-catering elites. Until we refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils–we will get nothing but this evil. And I am sick of being chumped by the corruption and lies and betrayals of both parties.

    Trump in the Whitelhouse–promises that America will have to undergo some deep self-reflection. Trump would cause every ally we have on this planet–especially in Latin America and Europe–to re-evaluate our over-militaristic “leadership.” He will help doom the Republican Party even more. If he were elected over Hillary, Democrats, finally, will also have to embark on a deep house-cleaning. A deep four-year housecleaning would do us all some good.

    Meanwhile, Hillary just means more drift down the same drain.

    But with a nice facade behind the fascism– to keep us all asleep.

    Since I now, in all likelihood, won’t be able to vote for Bernie Sanders, I am now voting for Jill Stein. I am voting for what’s right. I will live with the consequences.

    Who other people vote for–they, also, will have to live with the consequences of their choices.

    *Madeline Albright, one of Hillary’s chosen surrogates–has already been clearly condemned by the United Nations for the horrific deaths of over half a million Iraqi children. It was not “worth it.” It is an atrocity–that remains un-addressed to this day. And will remain un-addressed until Albright is tried and convicted in a world court for this horror. Or maybe you are also one of Hillary’s supporters that also excuses Henry Kissinger (her great mentor) for his complicity in the mass murders in Cambodia and Laos in the “secret war” there.

    Finally–and when the count of children murdered in the Libyan coup, that Hillary, despite it being an illegal coup under International Law, yet she so recently championed , is finally made–an ethical nation shall also be be sending her to the World Court, too


    1. Perhaps you have failed to realize you have bought into the obstructionist Republican Party’s $700,000,000.00 smear campaign of HRC? This baloney that Hillary lies is sickening and just plain propaganda by a Party that is terrified that she will win the election hands down. It’s past time that you Bernie worshippers stop your divisive antics and realize without HRC and a Democratic majority in Congress, you will get nothing passed–no, not one bill! That is the truth of it and the sooner you folks realize that simple fact, the better. Bashing HRC will get you nowhere!


  19. Thank you very inspiring, yes it hurts and I knew Mr. Sanders, had to endorse her. He did for us what no one has in years, woke us up and everyone throwing stones at Mr. Sanders need to calm down and think about the rod he has handed us. I haven’t and won’t slander Mr. BERNIE SANDERS, NEVER.. I’m proud to say thank you sir, for all that your struggling and suffering at the end your hard work paid off, We have a wakened…


  20. He was threatened(look at the ones killed and missing going against her) he has family and that is the only reason he is doing this -I will always look at Bernie as my president🇺🇸💙 🖕🏻Hill and I don’t care if my vote seems ‘wasted’ to some I will still write his name on my ballot in November


  21. Except for describing Hillary Clinton as a “sociopath,” (compared to Trump?) I was moved by this tribute to Bernie Sanders. Let’s see if his legacy becomes a reality under a Clinton presidency.


  22. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I do not know the ins and outs of the political dealings, but I too believe that accepting Bernie’s decision is the best way to proceed. I trust that he knows what is doing. What you have written reinforces my believe.


  23. Sure, if you TRUST a cynical Influence-Peddler and blood-stained Foreign Interventionist and her stable of Revolving Door Doxies (the Democratic Party) to follow through on ANYTHING they pledge.


  24. I may not agree with everything you said, but I certainly agree with the spirit of your comments and the respect Bernie deserves from his supporters. Though I disagree with Bernie’s tactics, there is no doubt as to his motive, and it is that of a noble warrior.


  25. I was distraught. But this helped. I can’t in good conscience vote for Clinton. But I’m glad Bernie didn’t sell out , he walked away with his head high.


  26. I don’t have to hope a sociopath will suddenly stop being one. I’m going to vote down ticket the those that supported Bernie. And I’m going to vote for Jill Stein to lead them all.


  27. He did not actually concede. As a superdelegate, he’s required to support her. It’s not over, and he still has a chance to win the Dem nomination at convention.


  28. Hmm… I guess only time will tell. I personally don’t believe she will follow through. If anything, she’ll get us into another conflict or all-out war and all those college bound will, instead, be draft bound:( But I sincerely hope this is not the case…. only time will tell!


  29. Wow did it feel like a gut punch to hear Bernie endorse Hillary today 😦 HOWEVER after reading the info I’m sharing below, I’m ‪#‎StillSanders‬ I believe Bernie knows what he is doing and is following the DNC rules until the convention. Please read and share this comment copied from another post : Tina Goclan and Forwarding:
    Berner Reality Check! – “Bernie is Playing by the Rules!”

    Why would Bernie say on camera that he “WOULD” endorse the presumptive Democratic Party Nominee?

    Because HE HAS TO, in order to attend the convention, where he can contest Hillary’s nomination. He is following the party rules in order to compete, which is what he is still doing. Bernie is a master strategist and he is still in the game! Do NOT be misled by the MSM and their heavily edited interview snippets. Wait until Bernie makes clear statements directly to the public. The contest is NOT over until the convention is over!
    Bern on!

    Here is a good assessment by Brian Fox:

    “This post is a little long, but please stay with me… It is Very Important nonetheless…

    In response to Bernie’s statement earlier today… (“We have got to do everything that we can to defeat Donald Trump and elect Hillary Clinton,”) Sad Face right?… No, there’s more to it…

    I decided to do some digging into the Official DNC Convention Rules… Buried in this forty-page document is the rule…

    “The delegates certified will not publically support or campaign for any candidate for President or Vice President other than the nominees of the Democratic National Convention.” (Keep in mind, Bernie is a S-Delegate)

    As well as…

    “It is presumed that the delegates to the Democratic National Convention, when certified pursuant to the Call, are bona fide Democrats who are faithful to the interests, welfare and success of the Democratic Party of the United States, who subscribe to the substance, intent and principles of the Charter and the Bylaws of the Democratic Party of the United States, and who will participate in the Convention in good faith. Therefore, no additional assurances shall be required of delegates to the Democratic National Convention in the absence of a credentials contest or challenge.”

    What does this mean?… IMHO, It means that if Bernie publicly endorses Celery, it’s because he has no other choice… (Remember, Bernie IS a Super Delegate)… His credentials could be Revoked if he doesn’t “publicly support” or act in “good faith” to the “fake nominee” and “faithful to the interests” of the DNC… Meaning, he wouldn’t be able to Attend the convention for the fight we are all expecting, if he doesn’t publicly endorse Ms. Wall Street… (Or at least pretend to…*wink wink)… Bernie MUST put on an acting performance worthy of an Academy Award!!!

    ( And yes, I understand that Shill is still just the quote/unquote “presumptive nominee”, But it would clearly Not be “acting in good faith” to not support the presumptive nominee… Bernie can’t take any chances!… Even the slightest hint of vitriol towards the party/her, and his credentials could be Stripped Away… Bernie can’t do anything that could be misconstrued as acting Against the “faithful interests” of the party….)

    So if a public endorsement does occur soon, don’t fret… There was other choice… This is the Only way Bernie can get into the Convention, Kick Some Ass, and become the Nominee!

    Too many people, have worked too hard, and have Too Much Evidence that Election Fraud has occured, for Bernie to risk not being able to plead his case at the Convention…

    Have Faith!… Our boy knows what he’s doing


  30. This is such a nice way of looking at such a terrible situation, I wish I could believe in it. I don’t. I don’t think Bernie Sanders sold out, but I do think he made a bad and wrong choice. You know and I know and he knows that it isn’t going to work out like this.

    Today, many supporters feel demoralized, and many of them feel betrayed. Myself included. Also, there is credibility. When I go out now and ask people to support underdog Progressive candidates, skeptics can say with some justification, “what, so they can get in there and cut a deal with the establishment when we need them the most just like Bernie did?”

    Bottom line the party platform is just a piece of paper, it doesn’t change Hillary Clinton and it doesn’t change the Democratic Party. Bernie let us down.


  31. In my entire 70 years I have never heard so many brain dead people expound on Bernie’s wonderfulness ! Bull sheet Bernie sold out millions and wound up having to kiss Hillary’s quite abundant butt in the process ! Bernie was my biggest disappointment this century. People that knuckle under to liars and thieves sell not only their souls but our future as well ! Bernie will go down as the blatant fool he has become !


  32. Sorry but I won’t carry his stick. More to Bernie than what is told. Nice writing though. Can’t back Hilary. Nothing is free. The middle class will be paying for free schooling. As we pay for everything.


  33. Hillary will not follow through on promises to Bernie. If she is elected we have to sticks to keep her honest. She doesn’t care what Bernie thinks or what we think. She has what she wants and now we have to choose between her, Trump, or Jill.

    In order for hillary to keep her promises she would first have to have integrity.


  34. My God, you said EXACTLY everything I felt & did today! You’re an Excellent writer! Seriously, I mean it. I ‘tuned out’ today in order to think & mourn without all the noise. I avoided TV & Social Media after Bernie spoke. I went to my city park & watched the ducks & geese in the pond while I wept inside. Your words are spot on.
    I’m so happy I ran across your blog/writing 😊


  35. Turns out, Bernie *is* just another bought and paid for politician in the classic DC mold… were he sincerely against all that he supposedly was, were he willing to fight and never give up, if he were not corrupt like the others… then he would never have endorsed Hillary for President.


  36. Thank you so much for expressing what I have so often failed at today. I live Bernie for lighting the flame inside of me and I am determined to keep it Burning bright. Today had to be one of the most difficult days of his life, but he knew it was the only path available. In football, when you run out of downs, you punt the ball and go on defense so you can continue to play the game and hopefully win. Today, Bernie didn’t lose, he just had to punt to give us the chance to win the game. #RevolutionOrBust


  37. If you believe there’s even the slightest possibility that you won’t have to use that stick, or that it will do any good when it comes time to use it, you’re a complete fool. Save us all the trouble and vote for Jill Stein.


  38. It’s so sad after all these years people still think there is a free ride out there. Do you really think your going to go to Harvard or some other big name school, after all when college is free every body will have a degree just like now everybody has a high school diploma. The only difference will be in what school you graduated from and your standing top 5% anything less will render you just a member of the less able. Just think a college degree to drive a forklift, a degree to be a painter. Just think a union card and a hammer and you could be a carpenter and retire a 40. All those big league jobs will be gone with the advent of better computers and robots you should check and see how many mid management positions have disappeared in the last few years. How many billions of dollars will be wasted on people who found high school difficult. Just like the 60s so many entered Berkley just to flunk out a few weeks later. The cost to the nation billions for what just to get a few more votes. Single payer medical great idea until you try to implement it. Just think the drag on the economy by those 90yr old retirees are going to place on the world when they start receiving more paycheck then they earned in there working years. Be careful what you wish for you just might get it. History has shown the error of you ways. But I guess were all going to go through it again.


  39. I’m glad you found your hope in Bernie. I love him too, but he compromised and I can’t I’ve known about Bernie for 31 years. I’m 66 a Blackfoot activist organic farmer with a non GMO seed company. You don’t know about me because I never cared about fame or power but keeping my Earth Mother clean for ALL life. I’ve had substantial successes, more than Bernie has & can document them What you may not realize is there are millions of us who never sold out, who have nearly lost our lives because of our commitment, some of my friends did. My point, Bernie awakened what was already in you. You didn’t need him to do these things you just need you. Change comes from the bottom up. Bernie just chose the top, when he could have taken Jill Stein’s open seat in the Green Party. I venture to say that I know more about the earth & the dire state she/we are all in, than most people you know, including Bernie. You have a choice now to live, or die, choose wisely…this is our only home! Nisiiyi’taki’!


  40. HIllary and the DNC will never carry through on these ‘promises’. Agreeing to them was just short term means to an end. I appreciate your pain – I feel it, too – but we need to understand who we are playing with. You believe that HRC will follow through because you want to (need to?) believe it, but her history tells us otherwise, and the DNC also has a history of ignoring what the people want. Once ensconced in office, the machine will be even more powerful and more manipulative, making sure it doesn’t come this close to losing its power to the will of the people again.


  41. It is not over yet. He did not concede. He just endorsed her so that he could keep his delegates and go to the convention the DNC was shutting him out. Roosevelt did the same thing and came out the winner. So do not give up or support Clinton at this point.

    Sit back and see what happens at the convention.


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