What Bernie Sanders Gave to America Today


Today, my hero, Bernie Sanders, endorsed Hillary Clinton, a woman that I truly believe is sociopathic, for the office of the President of the United States and then immediately the sun hid behind a cloud and it began to rain.

I was grateful for the rain.

It’s been pretty humid here for the last several days and I was in need of the empathy.

I fought back tears as I left the gym.

I am not afraid to cry.

I just prefer to do it while I am writing.

I went home and grabbed my laptop.

I knew all this fire stinging my eyes was way too complex to be worked out with a box of tissues or a ton of free weights.

I made a point to stay off social media.

I had no time for haters, turncoats or conspiracy theorists.

I drove to the coffee shop and put in my ear buds.

Behind my glasses, I watched people moving here and there, seemingly clueless to the great turmoil taking place in their country.

I did not envy them.

I am awake now.

And I will never sleep again.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is the greatest politician of my lifetime.

He is the greatest statesman of my lifetime.

He is the greatest human being I have ever had the privilege of witnessing.

He is the voice of my generation and long after he ceases to speak, his words will echo throughout the hearts and minds of millions.

Bernie Sanders is an activist.

He stood up for me before I even knew his name…before I was even born.

Bernie Sanders inspired tens of millions of people to get outside of their comfort zones and shove their middle fingers in the face of evil.

Bernie Sanders was “dangerous”.

Bernie Sanders rattled cages.

Bernie Sanders raged against the machine!!

Bernie Sanders taught us all how this thing was supposed to be done.

Bernie Sanders is a prophet and a Buddha.

He continued to speak peace when all those around him declared war.

He woke up an entire generation and inspired tens of thousands to perform a hostile takeover of their government.

Bernie Sanders is a true revolutionary.

So why the hell did he endorse Hillary Clinton?


Do not tell me that Bernie Sanders is just another bought and paid for politician.

To even utter such nonsense would show complete and all-encompassing ignorance.

This man has fought for what is right when literally no one was fighting by his side.

This man went toe to toe with Alan Greenspan for eight and a half hours.

This man spoke the truth why corrupt politicians laughed at him and left the room in blatant shows of disrespect.

Bernie Sanders was the tree, falling again and again in the D.C. forest of corruption.

Bernie Sanders was the one hand clapping against the fascist regime, when you and I were still watching CNN and calling it news.

Bernie Sanders is The Truth.

So don’t even think about telling me that Bernie Sanders sold out, as if suddenly, after 40 years of trying, the powers that be, finally found some secret treasure that Senator Sanders could not resist.

And do not waste my time with your foolish conspiracy theories about how Hillary Clinton threatened him in some way.

They have been threatening Bernie Sanders for decades.

Bernie Sanders does not succumb to threats.

Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton because he cares more about us than he does about selfish glory.

Bernie Sanders changed the world again today and if you weren’t watching closely, you may have missed it.

Bernie Sanders just sent millions of poor kids to college.

Bernie Sanders just saved millions of lives.


As part of Bernie Sanders’ agreement to endorse Hillary Clinton, Clinton had to agree to support free public universities for low income families.

This is not something that she wanted.

So why will she keep up her end of the bargain?

Because she is driven by ego.

She wants to be recognized as a good person and a good president.

I know she lies and breaks promises and Bernie knows this too.

But she won’t break this one, because Sanders handed her the carrot, but saved the stick for us.

Today marks a reset button for Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders gave her a chance to step up and do the right thing and if she doesn’t, then she will find that there are tens of millions of sticks all over this country that will cut through the air simultaneously and make her presidency a complete debacle.

I am referring to the tens of millions of activists who will watch Hillary Clinton’s every move from this day forward and make her life difficult every time she breaks a promise to the American people.

I am referring to the tens of thousands of activists who are running for public office, who will take over our House and Senate and infect change from the inside.

I am referring to you.

You have a stick and I encourage you to use it.

Because of Sanders’ sacrifice today, millions of American children will have a way to escape extreme poverty and follow their dreams.

Because of Sanders’ sacrifice today, there is now light penetrating the darkness in the places that our government forgot to represent.

I, like you, wanted Bernie to win the Presidency and there is little doubt that he could have done so through an Independent run, but if he had won, he would have met with extreme opposition from the establishment that owns every branch of our government.

Sanders would have toiled in office, waiting for new elections, so that activists could take over the seats required to pass the bills that the establishment would strike down.

So Sanders did what any wise old warrior would do.

He conceded the battle, so that we might win the war.

And Clinton will get the college bill passed through, whereas Sanders would not have been able to.

She has the contacts in the House and Senate to make it happen.

It will become the cornerstone of her presidency.

She will act like she thought of it and the uninformed will talk about what a hero she is and she will stand on the stage and wave and smile and some impoverished child somewhere will show their report card to their mother and their mother will smile and say..

“Thanks to Hillary, you will be able to become a doctor if you keep this up.”

And those millions of educated young people will go out and change the world for the better.

So just in case you missed it..

That’s what Bernie Sanders gave to America today.

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658 thoughts on “What Bernie Sanders Gave to America Today

  1. Thank you for a very moving piece on a very difficult day.

    There was one thing you said, though, that jumped out at me as factually incorrect: “Bernie Sanders just sent millions of poor kids to college.”
    You were referring to HRC’s reluctantly offered tuition plan. I know the MSM trumpeted about it, and many progressives bought in, but I beg you to go and look at the details of this so-called plan. Then compare to the system already in place. Like most of HRC’s complicated, jump through hoop plans, this will NOT help most people. Certainly not millions. In fact, it very well might make things worse for many students. I speak as the parent of 3 college students, two at state schools in two different states.


  2. I so needed someone to unscramble the thoughts and confusion and even the anger I carried because of Bernie being deprived of the nomination and us being deprived of the only honest candidate. Thank you for doing that for me. You’ve brought me some clarity and helped me reign in my confusion. I’ll pick up that stick and remain vigilant…..


    1. I am still never voting for Hillary. She represents what the republican part that are not extreme looks like. I dont even know what She stands fo. Every week her positions change.
      We can not the establishment billionair class own our country and us. She will sell to the highest bidder to line her pockets.
      The closest person to Bernie’s veiws and ethics is Jill Stien.
      We can do one of a few things. 1. Vote for that things (Clinyon) 2. Vote Trump 3. Not Vote at all or 4. Get Jill on the ballet of Every state and Vote for integrity.


    2. Senator Sanders did NOT CONCEDE!
      Being a super-delegate himself, he followed the rules of the DNC so that he is able to , still, be in the convention.
      Please stop all this unsupported doomsday prophicies.


    3. This was beautiful. Tears are streaming down my face as I read this. You have said everything I couldn’t put into words. Thank you


    4. Great article — except Bernie.did.not.concede!
      Endorsing is not conceding. He had to endorse her because it is a long-held DNC rule. Even FDR had to do it. If they hadn’t done it, they would have lost their delegates and not even been allowed into the convention.
      Bernie’s still running through the convention. He/we just have to convince many of his delegates and super-delegates that Bernie will be a better choice.


    5. Why did he lower himself to compromise with everything he stood up for?
      I really don’t understand.
      We are almost asking for a new party to represent those of us who don’t compromise values. I don’t like feeling that I have to vote for undecided. Can they put a ballot for Disgusted?


    6. It will take me a long time, if ever, to get over this loss. I truly believed that the American people would see how honest and genuine Senator Sanders is. I was so hopeful that more people would see and support the one person who really wanted to improve the quality of our lives. Hillary could care less about what we want or need. Her concern is to take care of her wealthy friends on Wall Street. Once the elections are over, everything will go back to status quo. The rich will continue to get richer, and the poor will get poorer. Nothing of any substance will get done to slow global warming. Hillary will do as little as possible to please the Bernie followers once she has won the election. The thought of having to look at her face for the next four or eight years sickens me… The only reason that Bernie endorsed Hillary is because the writing was on the wall. He couldn’t continue to fight and win over the corrupt bureaucracy which is funded by fossil fuels and wall st…. And yes, under the current circumstances, ideally he should be able to do more good for the country by working with her, as apposed to remaining alienated from her. The disgusting truth is, however, that Hillary is now using Bernie to try to get his supporters to follow her. The devious woman knows she needs his help right now. Once she wins the election (if she does) she will no longer have any use for Bernie or his supporters.


    7. Bernie Sanders caved, period. There is no silver lining here. He knuckled under like they all do–except Trump.


    8. Bernie has been the only true gentleman with fine ideals. He’s the kind of man you would be pleased to sit beside at a family reunion and to listen to his views.Bernie, keep going. We need you.


    9. Why couldn’t the author spend the extra five minutes to proofread an otherwise excellent article? “Uniformed” for “uninformed”? Stupid.


    10. Well said and I agree except the fact you hold some faith that Hillary will have to act on these principles and accept those Bernie has been fighting so hard for. I do not have this faith and expect 4 years of no changes and continued ownership of America by the corporations and Wall Street. She has always said one thing and done another. I will not vote for Hillary, as I no longer will ever vote again for “the best of the worse”. I’m voting 3rd party or writing in Bernie’s name and if Trump wins, so be it. Our country will have deserved the prick and will pay for his ignorance


  3. I love this. Seriously. Really well done.

    It wasn’t for nothing. The Sanders campaign made a difference. Clinton wanted that endorsement. She really did. And she had to come to him to get it.

    Most people aren’t going to trust her. That’s fine. You don’t have to trust her. As Michael pointed out, you just have to trust that she’ll ruthlessly pursue her own self interest. Living up to promises is how she builds her ego, creates a place in history, and gets re elected.

    She moved leftward on healthcare too. That’s because of the work of Sanders and his supporters. That’s something to celebrate, not something to lament

    Liked by 7 people

    1. She did not move leftward on healthcare. She has akways been there in and in 1994 and got chewed up and spit out by the Republicans for her efforts. No one had broached universal healthcare since the 1950s until HRC. And it was because of her efforts and working with the Congress that vilified her efforts that she helped create and get passed the SCHIP program for low income children in all 50 states. Sanders did nothing regarding healthcare in all his 30 years except maybe talk about.


    2. “He is the greatest human being I have ever had the privilege of witnessing.” Then you’re either a 4-year old, or you’ve never left your house.


    3. this woman rigged a whole election, purged votes, changed votes, won 6/6 coin tosses, hired trolls who posted kiddie porn, has had suspicious deaths all around her (it is true and you know it, quit denying), loves war, loves wallstreet, loves cluster fucking bombs, lies about dodging bullets, cackles at you, and you think she will do what she says. quit sugarcoating this shit. where have you been this last election season; and I just scraped the surface. Never forget your outrage. this post misses the point anyway… he did not concede, it is not over, so quit painting a pretty picture of my enemy


    4. you think she cares about keeping promises, about her place in history? maybe to the 1%, but not to us. so soon you forget what you are dealing with


    5. He also did to keep his name on the ballot where he is a write in candidate for President. If he had not he would have been taken off the ballots in all those states.
      Those who think Bernie gave up are seeing this as a defeat. HE CONCEDED NOTHING! He still has all his delegates. He has got Hillary right where he wants her, LEFT! She said she would do this and that and she’d better do it if she wants two terms. Hopefully she will have a Democraric Congress to work with. At least half. And get some of those old 30-45 year lifers out of Congress. Like McCann. Those kinds of long term I am paid off voters. We must gets Congress of Democrats or once again whom ever is President will scream bloody murder at her and nothing will get done!


    6. Hillary Clinton has supported universal health care since at least 1993. Health care reform was the issue she focused on when she was First Lady.


    7. He was, however, blackmailed into the endorsement. The HRC people threatened to vote down/refuse to pass any item Bernie wanted to add/change on the platform. They threatened to not let him speak at the convention and revoke his Super Delegate status (which they can do because the ‘rules’ essentially state you have to endorse. He did not, however, concede. He still plans to take it to Philedelphia. So, yes, you are correct in all that he has accomplished with this endorsement, but it’s shameful that HRC blackmailed him into doing it in order for his voice to be heard/his issues to be raised. She got what she demanded, but anyone without legal blindness could tell he hate every second of it, his body language was very open to interpretation…he was very unhappy with what he was made to do…but in the end it did get many concessions into the platform (as if that will count for anything with HRC), and his voice will STILL be heard at the convention. I would follow Bernie about anywhere, but the day he requests us to throw our support behind her is the day there is a bridge too far for me….I will be voting Jill Stein if HRC gets the nom. I simply cannot vote for her in good conscience. People are so scared of a Trump Presidency, bt they fail to realize we are not a dictatorship and the Republicans in D.C. can’t stand him either…thus I feel he would have a significantly hard time getting anything he wants through both houses., whereas HRC WILL get things done, War, TPP, perhaps conceding on Social Security in order to get some GOP votes on something she wants…I can’t do it.


    8. Very well written indeed. The part I have a problem with is that HRC cannot be trusted regardless of how many “sticks” you have. She has proved it time and time again and will let you all down quicker than you can say boston baked beans. Every time she speaks lies come out like a free flowing niagra falls. She abandoned Americans in Benghazi, broke many laws regarding email-gate, sold the US out to middle east interests, destroyed women speaking up about her husbands sexual appetites, destroyed a woman to let a rapist go free, and was fired for unethical behavior and tampering with evidence in the Watergate scandal at the beginning of her career. Claims she’s for equal pay for women yet the women working for the Clinton foundation are paid 38% less than the men. This is the person Bernie wants to lead our nation? This is the person YOU want to represent our country? You should all be ashamed that you would even consider HRC much less vote for her. Such considerations only prove what intelligent people are saying about you. For now I have the right to my opinion just as you do. A vote for HRC will change that too. Please get informed on who HRC really is and you will realize how insane it would be to vote for her. Peace


  4. I wish i could agree with this- I really do. What Bernie left us with is a warmonger, a pathological liar who will abandon the planks of the platform you feel so victorious about as easily as she abandoned Socks the White House Cat when he was no longer useful for PR purposes. Forgive me if I’m not excited about kids getting free college if they make it home from her inevitable wars-for-oil, like the invasion of Iran that she’s already promised. Forgive me if i’m not excited about our seniors eating cat food to survive the month since her shills refused to make a COLA part of the platform. Forgive me if i’m not excited about still more rights going to corporations with the passage of the TPP, which her shills also refused to include a statement against in the platform. Forgive me if i weep for the earth itself as the queen of fracking takes her throne. Hope you enjoy earthquakes and polluted drinking water.


  5. I could never, in good conscience, vote for Hillary Monsanto. So far all polls have shown that in an election of Trump v. Clinton, Trump will win. If Bernie does not go on to run as Independent or Green, I fear he has just handed the election to Trump…I am ‪#‎StillSanders‬


  6. If I can’t vote for Bernie, I won’t vote. Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She is a war-monger. She is a lying, cheating dishonest POS. She is bought and paid for by Big Oil, Big Pharma, and Wall Street. She is politics as usual. She is more Republican than Donald Trump. She does not care about the people of this country. She will say anything to get elected. Without Bernie’s supporters, she won’t get elected.
    She has absolutely nothing to offer me and I will stay home on election day rather than vote for her.


  7. I do not believe she will keep her promises OR be elected. She should be in prison and the republicans, as much as I hate them, I hate HER more!


  8. Beautifully written, however, he leaves larger fish on the table………the TPP……….Fracking……..constant war………..it wasn’t enough…………and now, there is no leverage…………her presidency will be a litany of scandal and apology tours, broken up by false flags, ongoing war and a descent into environmental catastrophe………but, hey……it’s what the people want………let them have it


  9. I am sad and heartsick. I don’t think I will be able to participate in this joke of a political system ever again. I worked hard for president Obama in both elections and he has disappointed me but what Bernie did today totally destroyed me. I have removed all social and political sites from my computers and this is my last comment on anything political. So sad and heartbroken.


  10. Meh, the platform is not binding. It literally means nothing. Ask any political
    Insider. (And/or look to Obama’s own campaign promises, not binding, never brought to fruition.)

    Bernie sheepdogged us from the start. This is what the Dems do to recapture-every fours years after they’ve pushed us out, pissed us off, and let us down-the leftist of the lefties that they know will protest their chosen candidate if they are not instead funneled into some sanctioned, orchestrated Lefty Zone where they can shake their pom poms enthusiastically for months while the real candidate and their media lapdogs ensure the sheepdog gets no coverage so there’s no concern of his ultra lefty ideals tainting the sensible Americans that are grown up enough to know they have to vote for the sensible candidate. You think he raged against the machine and you comfort yourself with what he gave America today…But his rage was orchestrated by an expert team of producers that knew exactly what he should rage about and paired that with exactly what they intended to have their sensible candidate **appear** to capitulate on **only after** our sheepdog **appeared** to have given such a good fight, so much good, pious rage, that, well, it **appears** she was the one that was actually forced to move here. Nah. Go Google Bernie + sheepdog and learn all about this political theater production you were unwittingly cast as an unpaid extra in. I encourage this not to be mean or harsh, but rather so you might learn what your country is really made of and not let the cynical bastards do it to you again, in four years, or eight.


  11. You are delusional. Once she is in, it is just like every other elected official. You folks did nothing while the DNC stole the election from Bernie, and you will do nothing when HRC becomes EXACTLY the president we all know she will be.


  12. i totally identify with the above sentiments, especially in recognizing Bernie Sanders as a heroe for our generation for years to come. I lament his indorsement of Hillary and will try to follow his example in defeating Donald Trump’s insidious candidacy.


  13. Well, guess it will now be a vote for Jill Stien. Sorry suckers! Low income already have free college! It’s called FASFA and it not only covers fees, but gives up to $5,300 annual in student aid for books and supplies based on units. #NEVERHER #WARMONGER #REVOLUTION


  14. Thank you! I feel much the same as you. I’ve shied away from the articles in my news feed which I know will hold hateful comments about Bernie endorsing her. I hate it, but I get the reasons. I don’t like it, but I accept that this is the hand that we’ve been dealt. We may not like it and we may have been cheated out of the good cards, but the movement is about more than just this hand. Bernie has ALWAYS been about the movement, our revolution! Today is no different. If you think he made this decision without evaluating every possible avenue in front of him and finally choosing the path that would further the progressive movement in the best way possible, then you were never a true believer! Bernie will continue to be a beacon for us and he will bring more progressive leaders to the forefront. He may not be the next POTUS, but he will be far more influential in the senate now and I’m sure the DNC will be listening to him more if they want to keep the more progressive voters on their side.


  15. None of us really know what the future holds, and what said canidates will or will not do. We can speculate and posture but that does not gaurantee the outcome. In life, there are no real guarantees, just educated guesses.

    I’m going to vote in November with the knowledge and instinct I have at that time. That’s the best I can do. I do not own a crystal ball. If my choice results in a negative consequence, then I will have to accept that, and learn and grow from it.

    This is the impression I have right now:

    Hillary lies a great deal, even leaving out all the right-wing propaganda. If I were in a romantic relationship with her, it would’nt last very long. Trust is a core foundation.

    Bernie seems to be genuinely honest and carries a lot of integrity. But his strength can also be his weakness at times. Sometimes when you focus so hard in one direction, you lose subtlety.

    Donald clearly lies and cheats in his business dealings. As I’m sure most businessmen do. Because he flip-flops so much it’s difficult to know which Trump you’ll be getting. His disparaging remarks on certain groups in this country is repulsive.

    Jill seems honest, much like Bernie. But more research is needed.

    Gary seems honest, but I don’t care for many of his policies on trickle down economics. I think it’s fair to say that system does’nt serve the working and middle class very well.


  16. I worked hard for Bernie. Figured I’d give the system one more chance to prove that progressive change can come from within the political system. Now we have an answer. I don’t think vanity will be enough for Hillary to keep any of the promises she made to get Bernie’s endorsement. Her constituency resides on Wall Street. In the Walmart boardroom. At Kissinger & Associates. They’ll pat her on the back as she betrays Bernie’s trust. Expect venom. She’s been forced to slum for a few weeks, and she’ll want to get even.


  17. I don’t even want to vote ….I am hurt and disgusted…and feel sold out….I am a senior Citizen with no hope now, no-one cares about us and they will push us aside as if we do not count anymore…..Our lives mean NOTHING to them…it’s a beautiful piece, but does nothing for us Seniors….still struggling with our medical, living expenses, and housing….. NO, I DO NOT FEEL LIKE VOTING FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE


  18. She is a master of getting credit for trying rational compromise , but through no fault of her own, failing to deliver.


  19. I felt and feel exactly like you. Bernie sacrificed himself for us because it was never about him. This is a time when Supreme Court Judges will be chosen. It is a time to cut Republican wings so America can breathe.
    I was driving as I listened to Bernie. Although I normally don’t cry, I felt like pulling over and doing just that. I didn’t but it was hard. Then again, we are admire Bernie Sanders. We arade of stronger stuff. 😉


  20. Thank you for a brilliant synopsis of what Sanders supporters should be considering now! After I spent a few hours of reading inflammatory and even hysterical comments on progressive sites about how disappointed they all are with Sanders, it’s time to take stock and bring in some sunshine . . . 😉


    Liked by 7 people

    1. People don’t want to think for themselves. They want to be told what to do. I am sick to my stomach seeing Sanders supports say they will support this lying, corrupt murderer as our commander and chief. Saying that she would be better than Trump is buying into media buzzwords with out looking at any facts or at the context. She is blatant about her disregard for America. She has shown she is above the law yet people still support her. WHY?! What is the sound, logical reason? And no, saying anything about Trump doesn’t answer my question. This is a vote for the president of our United States. This is not a question about Trump. This is a question about Hillary. What logical reason does ANYONE have to cast their precious vote for a woman whose campaign supporters are other countries that support that oppression, murder, rape and torture of women and children? Why would ANYONE cast their vote for a woman who when she was an attorney in Arkansas, joked about representing and winning a case for a man who was guilty of child rape and went so far as to smear the character of a 15 year old girl? Why would ANYONE vote for a woman whose gross negligence killed our brave men in Benghazi, then lie to their families and the American public about the reason for their deaths and who would not secure the area when they were begging for reinforcements? Why would ANYONE vote for a woman who aligns herself with the feminists and cries for equal rights yet men are in prison NOW for committing less of a security breach than her? Is that equal? Equal pay? EQUAL JAIL TIME!!!! More hypocrisy. How you do one thing in life is how you do everything in life. She has provided example after example of how evil and selfish she can be. What happened to the Sanders supporters upset because she hijacked the vote? How can you trust her to do ANYTHING she says? You can’t! Please, anyone tell my the logical reasons for why you think this woman deserves your vote. If the only reason you have is that you want to stop Trump than you are a fool. That is not a reason. Vote for Gary Johnson if you don’t want to vote for Killary. Your endorsement of her on the ballot is your endorsement for her actions.


  21. Bernie Sanders is my hero too. A David amongst Goliaths. We are blessed to have this incredible statesman fighting for sanity and happiness in everyone’s luves


  22. That was a really thoughtful piece—thank you for it. I am saddened I’m breathing shallowly, and feel as though I should die. I do not want to live under the boot of the Clintons anymore. No. Not me


  23. “… but if he had won, he would have met with extreme opposition from the establishment that owns every branch of our government.”
    It also owns the mainstream media, especially CNN, which spent the first half of the primary season pretending that Bernie Sanders didn’t exist.


  24. Maybe. Wouldn’t hold my breath on hillary keeping her word. Even if she does, those kids going to college are likely to have brothers and sisters going to syria or iran to fight another regime changing war thats a great “business opportunity”.

    Beautifully written, regardless.


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